Mediterranean Cone Shell || Conus ventricosus
- Size: 7 to 63 millimeters
- Color: Shades of brown, orange, red, yellow
- Family: Conidae
- Fun fact: The venom of some cone shell species are currently used as a subject of research in the field of medicine.
There's something truly magical about the world of seashells, and the Mediterranean Cone Shell is a true ocean gem that stands out in my shell collection and jewelry line.
The Mediterranean Cone Shell is a fascinating species of cone snails that inhabits the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea and they are known for their distinctive cone-shaped shells, which are often brightly colored and patterned. The official name of this species is Conus ventricosus and it was first registered by Hwass in 1792.

The Mediterranean Cone Shell is a true masterpiece of nature, captivating the wonders of the ocean. The shell is showcasing a conical shape that ranges in size varies between 7 mm to an adult shell of 63 mm. The shell's architecture allows it to bury itself in sandy substrates, providing both protection and camouflage.
One of the most captivating aspects of the Mediterranean Cone Shell is its coloration. The shells often display a range of colors, including shades of brown, yellow, orange, and sometimes red. The patterns on the shell can resemble geometric designs, adding to their visual appeal.
It's intricate patterns and vibrant colors make it desired collector's item and therefore they are commonly used by me for making jewelry like earrings, bracelets and necklaces.
Each shell is a unique masterpiece and shown to be a true sea treasure.

Mediterranean Cone Shells are sea snails that belong to the family Conidae. Like the name already suggested, these shells can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. It inhabits various regions, including the coastal areas of countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece.

The Mediterranean Cone Shell is primarily found in tropical and subtropical waters. The snails thrive in sandy and rocky substrates, often near coral reefs or in seagrass beds. Their habitat preferences are essential for their survival and adaptation. They are often discovered in shallow waters, although some species can be found at greater depths.
Like other cone snails, the Mediterranean Cone snail is a carnivorous predator equipped with a specialized harpoon-like tooth. This tooth is capable of injecting venom into its prey, typically small fish, marine worms, or other mollusks.
The Mediterranean Cone snail patiently waits for potential prey to come within range. When a suitable target is identified, it deploys its venomous harpoon, immobilizing the prey. The snail then extends its proboscis to consume the paralyzed prey.

The venomous harpoon is a critical adaptation for both hunting and self-defense. While this makes them formidable hunters, it also highlights the importance of handling alive Mediterranean Cone Shells with caution.
The venom of the Mediterranean Cone snail contains a potent mix of toxins that can be harmful to the nervous system - especially if a cone shell is bigger than 10 cm. If someone is stung by a cone snail, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial.
Even tough it seems that there are no registered cases of serious damaged caused by a Mediterranean Cone snails, I still would highly suggest to be careful if you see a Mediterranean Cone Shell with a snail in it.
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